Everyone needs a health tool that we can afford. I mean, the cost of a healthy nut-based butter is at least $8 higher than less healthy brands. Think about this.... who profits from fasting? The only person who wins is the person who is fasting.
Fasting is the science-based tool that will place our bodies into the correct metabolic state, while increasing ketones to the brain, releasing new stem cells, brighter brain and thinking, blood sugar goes down, fat burning kicks in. Who doesn't want that?
The only way to get into this healthy metabolic fat burning state is by avoiding food for a certain amount of time. Our bodies are meant to switch back and forth between sugar burning and fat burning. People with poor metabolic health are not switching over to their fat burning state and are never getting the natural healing mechanisms that can happen.
Unfortunately, in America, we have given away our health power to doctors, pharmacies, culture, and we forget that inside our bodies is an incredible wisdom. We weren't given an owner's manual. We've made living healthy more complicated than it has to be.
Did you know that historically throughout the centuries in every culture, fasting has been a part of life. There is a reason all these cultures have been fasting for all this time. But we are a bit confused about when to eat and what to eat, should we exercise, how many calories or carbs, etc. I'm going to simplify that. Think about this....who profits from fasting? The only person who wins is the person who is fasting.
Hippocrates said that if we take food out of the equation, our bodies will heal. Diabetes, dementia and Alzheimer's, wound healing, energy systems, are just a few of the things that the New England Journal of Medicine said that fasting promotes anti-aging and 9 cellular healing benefits.
If you are excited like I am to try this, begin with one easy thing.
Do not eat until 11 am and no food after 4 pm. When you do eat, make sure it is healthy fat like avocados and olive oil, eggs and other healthy proteins like fish and chicken. Three days of this and you will notice you are no longer hungry!
Melissa Saulnier survived Ovarian Cancer in 2006.
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Melissa Saulnier does not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.